RSA Unveils New Product KDKPrint

Rochester Software Associates, Inc. unveils its KDKPrint™ for SMARTBOARD file conversion. This latest addition to the RSA product line provides users with the ability to convert SMARTBOARD files to print on production printers without re-ticketing.

Before KDKPrint, ticketed Kodak SMARTBOARD files with complex options such as tabs, inserts, and mixed plex could be printed only on Kodak Digimaster or NexPress printers. The introduction of KDKPrint makes this a thing of the past by converting SMARTBOARD files to PostScript or a PDF for printing on any printer, or for saving as a PDF for viewing, sharing, and archival. It allows print centers to optimize use of all available production printers and job routing capabilities to reduce costs, increase turnaround, and decrease steps in the workflow process.

Like other RSA transform products, KDKPrint supports customers with mixed printer vendor environments by allowing one make ready tool to be used across a breadth of printers. This versatility is key as almost all customer installations include printers from multiple vendors. KDKPrint also provides flexibility for SMARTBOARD users to use the software and hardware that best meets their needs without changing or adding another make ready solution.

KDKPrint offers the additional benefit of potentially contributing to cost control by leveraging existing technology investments and decreasing the training time needed for make ready tools by standardizing on a single make ready tool.

Attendees of the 2010 ON DEMAND Conference and Expo can stop in to booth 1442 to see KDKPrint in action.

About RSA
Founded in 1986, Rochester Software Associates, Inc. (RSA) provides premium workflow software to drive in-plant print centers with datacenter, CRD, and digital environments. RSA's Enterprise Workflow Solutions provide digital web-to-print, manage corporate print workflow, and transform legacy data center data streams. For more information, visit