kCura Releases Relativity 7

kCura announced the launch of Relativity 7. The release includes improvements to the review experience, enhancements for administrators and case managers, more tools for building custom applications, and updates to the user interface.

"We have more than 40,000 users in Relativity on a monthly basis. Most of these individuals are doing the document review," said Andrew Sieja, president and CEO of kCura. "We wanted Relativity 7 to really focus on the reviewers. Relativity 7 will help reviewers make faster, more informed decisions."

Review is faster and easier with Relativity 7.

  • Keywords are easier to work with: A pane on the left-hand side of the review interface lists all keywords, along with the number of times they hit in the document you are viewing. This makes review faster by giving users instant context about the importance of a document.
  • "Copy from Previous" button increases doc-to-doc speed: When reviewing similar documents, users can carry coding decisions from one document to the next with a single click. This speeds up review by eliminating redundant mouse clicks and keystrokes.
  • Redaction navigation helps users find their work product: Relativity 7 lets users easily jump to any redaction or annotation in a document.
  • Email threading is more intuitive: Email thread display in Relativity has been improved via a new script delivered with Relativity 7. The improvement gives users a clear visual indication of replies and forwards within a thread.
  • Native file viewing is improved: An updated viewer engine provides better rendering of PDFs and certain types of email files, making native file viewing easier. Additionally, users can now expand Excel spreadsheets to show all hidden columns.

Case administrators can better support their users.
With the improvement to the management of keyword lists, performance and scalability gains, and an easier, more streamlined viewer installation process, administrators can better support their case teams.

Application building continues to improve.
Users now have more flexibility when creating, importing, and exporting applications. With the addition of relational fields and custom logic, applications are more powerful with Relativity 7.

"With each new release, it's extremely important that we continue to push ourselves to make Relativity better for our clients," said Sieja. "We're really excited about the new features in Relativity 7, and we look forward to introducing more great enhancements with Relativity 7.1."

About kCura
Recognized by Gartner as a leader in the 2011 E-Discovery Magic Quadrant, kCura are the developers of the e-discovery software Relativity. Relativity is a web-based platform servicing the review, analysis, and production stages of the EDRM. Relativity also powers kCura's legal hold management solution, Method, which is a workflow and notification system designed to manage legal hold and risk assessment processes. For more information about Relativity and Method, visit www.kcura.com.